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Understanding flaxseed oil
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2022-09-09 | 787 Views | Share:

Linseed oil is the oil extracted from flaxseed, also known as flaxseed, the seed of annual or perennial herb flax. Flax is one of the oldest fiber crops in the world. There are many varieties, but it can be roughly divided into three categories: oil flax, fiber flax and oil fiber flax. Its seeds can be used to extract oil.
Flax is mainly distributed in North China and Northwest China, with the largest output in Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Xinjiang. It is an important cash crop and a major oil crop in China. The history of human cultivation and utilization of flax can be traced back to more than 8000 years ago. The use of flax in China has a history of more than 2000 years.

Nutritive value
The ancients believed that eating flax regularly could remove all chronic diseases, and it also had the effect of rejuvenating children and immortality. If it is made with rice, it is called "Xianjia Food" in the folk.
"Deep sea fish oil" in plants
A large number of research results show that flaxseed oil is a high-quality edible oil, rich in α- Linolenic acid and various unsaturated fatty acids can be directly converted into DHA and EPA in the human body. Flaxseed oil contains 40-60% linolenic acid, which is an economical and practical "deep-sea fish oil" and "liquid gold".
As we all know, fish oil refers to the unsaturated fat component (Omega-3) extracted from fish animals (such as salmon, sardines, etc.) in the deep sea, including EPA and DHA.
Linseed oil is rich α- Linolenic acid and vitamin E can replenish iron and blood, moisten dryness and defecate, dispel stasis and regenerate, improve metabolism, warm uterus, promote the recovery of reproductive system, and also be beneficial to the wound healing of caesarean section, so it has become the first choice of special oil for the month. It is commonly known as "moon oil".
Linseed oil α- Linolenic acid is metabolized into DHA (commonly known as brain gold) in the human body. It is the main component of the brain and retina, plays an extremely important role in the growth and development of brain nerve cells, is an essential substance for brain composition and IQ development, and has a great impact on brain function. lack α- Linolenic acid will affect memory and thinking, and affect the brain and intellectual development of infants and young children. Eating flaxseed oil is particularly beneficial to the brain development of infants and young children, also known as "smart oil".